Supporting LTL Can Be Fun and Rewarding!

There are many ways to support our mission: sign up to volunteer, join us for upcoming events or retreats, donate, and more. We value everyone's contributions to help provide travel opportunities for high school students.

Join Our OneKid Program

OneKid is our dedicated mentorship initiative that bridges passionate volunteers with the young dreamers in our organization. Each student in our program has a unique profile detailing their interests, talents, and aspirations—whether they’re aspiring chefs, curious scientists, future entrepreneurs, or athletic hopefuls. Volunteers commit to a minimum of one year, providing vital support by helping students fundraise for travel opportunities, connecting them with resources, and offering hands-on assistance with projects. Mentors can either choose a student whose goals align with their own expertise—like an experienced chef guiding an aspiring culinary artist—or be paired by our Program Director to ensure the best possible match. By building meaningful, one-on-one relationships, OneKid empowers youth to expand their horizons, boost their confidence, and stay on track toward achieving their dreams.

Sign Up To Volunteer