I believe that travel and exploration are the ultimate classrooms in the school of life, and every child deserves an opportunity to learn the lessons it teaches." - Bianca Willis
Learning to Live Movement has been helping inner-city high school students dream big and imagine a brighter, bolder future filled with adventure and opportunity by providing unique, powerful, and transformative travel experiences.
LTL works tirelessly to connect inner-city high school students to places, cultures, and sights that will both push them out of their comfort zone while igniting a spark of possibility and hope. At LTL, we believe that early access to travel can be a life-changing experience. Travel and exploration allow youth to develop skills they might not receive at home, connect with people they have limited exposure to, and allow a tremendous opportunity to live passionately, discover true happiness, and find freedom.
At LTL, we help transform lives and provide opportunities for young people who otherwise might never get the chance.